Lucian PRODAN received his PhD in Computer Science
with Magna Cum Laude honors from the “Politehnica”
University of Timisoara in 2005. He is currently holding a
position of Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering of the same university.
In 1992 he joined the “Politehnica” University of
Timisoara and graduated with honors in 1997, receiving a merit
diploma in Computer Engineering (with a minor on Hardware
Engineering), with a diploma thesis carried out at the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich (ETHZ).
Shortly after the diploma dissertation, Lucian Prodan joined the
Graduate School in Computer Science at the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL).
This was the moment of entering the realms of the
Embryonics project and the world of bio-inspired computing
machines, when he became a member of the research team led by
prof. Daniel Mange. He held a position of Research and
Teaching Assistant at the same institute after graduation.
The research efforts focus mainly on the coming together of the
two worlds, biology and electronics. Besides the Embryonics
framework, they also include Evolvable Hardware design,
Distributed and Reconfigurable Computing, Quantum Computing,
and FPGA and SoC platforms (research results were published
in several papers).
Dr. Prodan served as a Program Committee member of the ACM's
Computing Frontiers
2006 conference. He also was a reviewer for the
SCI/ISAS 2001 and the
CONTI conferences. He is a member of the ACM.
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